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SASE vs. Traditional Network Security: Key Differences and Advantages

SASE vs. Traditional Network Security: Key Differences and Advantages

Network security has become more crucial than ever in today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape. With the increase in remote work and the proliferation of cloud services, organisations face the challenge of securing their networks against various threats.

But how do you determine which security approach best suits your organisation? Should you stick to traditional network security, or is it time to embrace SASE (Secure Access Service Edge)? Understanding the key differences and advantages of each can help make an informed decision.

Key Differences Between SASE and Traditional Network Security

1. Centralisation vs. Distribution

One of the most significant differences between them is the architectural approach. Traditional models are centralised, requiring all traffic to pass through a central data centre for inspection. This method can lead to bottlenecks and increased latency, especially for remote workers or branch offices.

In contrast, the Secure Access Service Edge system operates on a distributed architecture, with security services delivered from the cloud. This approach allows more direct access to resources, reducing latency and improving user experience. It also ensures that security is consistently applied regardless of the user’s location.

2. Scalability and Flexibility

Traditional network security can be challenging to scale as an organisation grows or shifts its operations. Adding new security appliances, configuring them, and ensuring they work together seamlessly can be time-consuming and costly. The static nature of traditional models makes them less adaptable to the dynamic needs of modern businesses.

On the other hand, the secure Access Service Edge system offers inherent scalability and flexibility. Because it is cloud-based, organisations can quickly scale up or down without additional hardware. The ability to deploy security policies globally with minimal effort makes it a more agile solution for organisations with changing needs.

3. Security Capabilities

While traditional network security provides robust protection within the corporate perimeter, it often struggles to effectively secure cloud-based resources and remote workers. Relying on VPNs to connect remote users to the corporate network can create vulnerabilities and expose the network to potential threats.

Secure Access Service Edge system addresses these challenges by integrating various security functions into a single platform. With capabilities such as ZTNA, CASB, and secure web gateways, it provides comprehensive protection across all endpoints, regardless of location. This holistic approach ensures that security policies are consistently enforced across the network.

Advantages of SASE Over Traditional Network Security

1. Improved Performance

One of the Secure Access Service Edge system’s most significant advantages is its ability to improve network performance. Delivering security services from the cloud and being closer to the user reduces the need to backhaul traffic to a central data centre. This reduction in latency leads to faster access to applications and a better overall user experience.

2. Enhanced Security

SASE’s integrated approach to security provides comprehensive protection across all endpoints. The combination of ZTNA, CASB, and secure web gateways ensures that users, whether on-premises or remote, receive consistent security enforcement. The ability to apply security policies globally reduces the risk of misconfigurations and security gaps.

3. Simplified Management

The centralised management of traditional network security can be complex and time-consuming. With multiple appliances to configure and maintain, the risk of errors increases. SASE simplifies management by consolidating security functions into a single platform with a unified management interface. This consolidation streamlines operations and reduces the administrative burden on IT teams.

In the face of increasing complexity and evolving threats, the need for a more adaptable and comprehensive security solution has never been greater. While traditional network security has served organisations well in the past, it is becoming clear that it may not be sufficient to meet the demands of the modern, distributed workforce. Secure Access Service Edge offers a compelling alternative, with its cloud-native, distributed architecture providing improved performance, enhanced security, and simplified management.

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